As teachers look to take on increasing responsibility in their profession, many consider enrolling in accredited master’s in education degree programs in Arizona. These programs give teachers more advanced skills in areas like education technology, curriculum planning, classroom instruction, and much more. As a result, they’re more easily able to help students of all ability levels, and they’re positioned as knowledgeable leaders who can help their fellow educators meet new regulations, work with students who present new challenges in the classroom, and work alongside regulators or parents with shifting demands.

Northern Arizona University

Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

Nearly 19,000 students call Northern Arizona University’s main campus their home, either at the undergraduate or graduate level. Teachers who enroll in the school’s Master of Education degree program can specialize the degree in a number of key areas, ranging from curriculum to technology and beyond. Throughout the program, teachers are taught by doctoral faculty with real teaching experience, and they’re encouraged to use their classroom as both an example and an area of experimentation with new technological tools, curriculum methods, and planning styles. The school’s M.Ed. concentrations are the most numerous in the state, giving educators a variety of ways to either enhance their existing skills or expand their expertise into new areas.

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

In order to be admitted to the M.Ed. program at Northern Arizona University, teachers or post-baccalaureate students must take the Graduate Record Examination, or GRE, and obtain a sufficient score for acceptance to degree candidacy. Upon admission, educators will take a core group of classes that includes academic research, advanced instructional methods, topics in special education and accommodation, and basic instructional technology. They will then take elective classes in an area of concentration. Available concentrations at Northern Arizona University are quite numerous, and include educational technology, post-baccalaureate teacher certification, curriculum and instruction for autism, early childhood, ESL, gifted students, or general literacy, educational leadership, or educational policy.

NAU’s M.Ed. program includes up to 36 credits of instruction, with an optional thesis and no required internship or work experience. The thesis should only be pursued by those students who intend to advance into doctoral-level study after their complete their graduate coursework. Others can take a capstone course that concludes in a comprehensive examination of the skills and concepts learned in both the core and the student’s concentration.


  • Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
  • Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges


Northern Arizona University
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
1151 S. Forest Ave.
Tempe AZ 85281
Phone: (602) 543-6358

Many teachers eventually pursue a graduate degree as a way to help them continually learn more about new curriculum standards, learning disability accommodations, and shifting regulations at the state and federal level. Accredited master’s in education degree programs in Arizona give teachers numerous different ways to build on their undergraduate education and professional experiences, through several exciting concentrations and specializations.

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