Teaching experience is absolutely not necessary when pursuing a Master’s Degree in Education however, it can help in being accepted into a program. That being said, anyone with a Bachelor’s Degree can pursue a Master’s Degree in Education. There are typically two routes provided by any college program: those with teaching experience and those who do not have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education but want to pursue becoming a teacher. The main difference is the amount of coursework that will need to be completed which is determined on an individual basis. A specific course plan will be put in to action depending on the student’s background and current Bachelor’s Degree. If a person feels led to make an impact on the lives of children in the classroom by all means, go for it!
What You Can Expect
The road to a Master’s Degree in Education is basically the same for all levels and a majority of the course work will be in the field gaining hands-on experience. Master’s-level Education degree programs are available to those who are experienced teachers as well as those with no background in teaching. All Master’s Degrees in Education from any institution academically prepare you to become a licensed educator for children from birth through 12th grade. Most Educational Master’s Degrees require between 32-36 course credits at which about half of those need to be 500 level courses or above. Depending on the level and subject areas you want to teach, the requirements will vary. Additional coursework for those who have received a degree unrelated to education will be required. Initially, your completed coursework as shown on your official transcript will be evaluated to determine what prerequisites will need to be taken.
Average Requirements
Typically colleges have two sets of requirements to satisfy. In most institutions the Graduate School Division and the School of Education have their own set of requirements and it is the responsibility of the student to be aware of the unique requirements of their chosen school. These exact requirements are provided by the colleges by accessing their website or obtaining their catalogs. A Master’s Degree student must be mindful of that fact that he/she will be completing field work so flexibility with current work schedules if applicable need to be considered.
Study Options
There are two main options when pursuing a Master’s Degree in Education: on-line and on-site. On-line studies have become extremely popular due to the flexibility, but it is not possible to complete a Master’s Degree entirely on-line. A student needs to be aware that there may be classes that require in-person attendance along with the on-line classes. These guidelines are set by the individual institutions. Pursuing 100% of a degree on-site is a workable option as well especially if you don’t want to move and you live in close proximity to the college campus of your choice. If a student enjoys the live interaction and atmosphere of the college campus then on-site works well.
Further Reading:
Top 10 Best Online Master’s in Education Degree Programs (M.Ed.)
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