What is a Master of Arts in Teaching is a question that many students ask when they near the end of their undergraduate years. While you qualify to teach students of different ages, a Master’s degree can help you land a better paying job or even a job working for a college or university. Looking at what the degree is and what it means for your future can help you determine what type of degree to finish.
What is a Master of Arts in Teaching?
Finding an answer to the question of, what is a Master of Arts in Teaching, is as easy as looking at the program. Typical graduate programs require that students take and pass 40 credit hours or more of classes, but must M.A. Teaching programs are only 30 credit units long. Students can finish the program in less time than they could finish a different graduate degree. Specifically designed for students interested in learning more about the teaching profession, it covers topics that you didn’t study in college. You might learn different teaching methodologies, see how different teachers approach different topics and how students of different age groups learn the materials. Many programs also require that you spend at least one of the semesters working full-time as a teacher.
How Does it Compare to an Education Degree
A Master’s in Education is similar to a Master in Teaching, but the two programs are fairly different. The M.Ed. program focuses more on the educational system and less on teaching. Students learn the skills they need when working as principals and administrators. Students often choose a concentration when enrolling in the program and take classes relating to that concentration. An M.Ed. program can also work in conjunction with a counseling program and help you work as a school counselor after graduation.
Teaching Salaries
The amount of money that teachers make typically depends on where they live and where they work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics places the median salary of school principals at $87,760 per year and the median salary of elementary school teachers at $53,090 per year. Middle school teachers and school counselors make closer to $54,000 per year, while college professors make more than $68,000 a year. Most schools require that college professors have at least a Master’s in Education or Teaching, and some schools require that professors have a post-doctorate degree. The more work you put into your education, the more opportunities you’ll have later.
Related Resource: Master’s in Educational Leadership
Getting Your License
Teachers cannot simply walk into a school and apply for a position after graduating. Every state in the country has regulations and rules in place about who can teach classes. You will typically need to pay for a background check and criminal check, and you’ll likely need to take a certification test in your state. If you move after taking the test, your new state might require that you take a second test. Other states have levels in place, and you’ll need to get new certificates and complete post-graduate work before moving to a higher level.
Though you don’t need an advanced degree to teach at the elementary, junior high or high school level, some schools look for teachers with more credentials and education. When looking for an answer to what is a Master of Arts in Teaching, look at the differences between that program and an M.Ed. and how much money you can make after finishing your degree.
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